Dear Clutter King,
I have stuff on all my surfaces, boxes in the living room I haven't unpacked from two moves ago as well as many records and things from my husband who died six years ago. The place is a mess and I haven't vacuumed in a year--how do I start this massive project? I just get over-whelmed thinking about it so I turn on MSNBC and watch Rachel Maddow--isn't she cute?
Signed, Where To Start?
Dear WTS
I was in a duplex apartment that sounds similar to yours the other day. The client was resistant to every change we suggested. She wanted to be FREE of STUFF but she was paralyzed. Finally I told her, "You know, you'd be better off if your house burned down! Then you would be free, free of all the crap that maybe had some meaning in your life once but you're probably never going to look at again."
Rachel Maddow? Hey, we'd all like to do Rachel, men and women, but at this point cable news is just holding you back. Turn off the TV and write me a check!
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